Our vision at Port Fairy Consolidated School is to provide a shared mathematical experience where all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed at their developmental level.

Our Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) mathematics approach means that all children can learn and teachers can significantly improve achievement for all learners.  This is through implementing effective well-crafted, well taught lessons to assist teachers to deliver effective instruction. This significantly lifts student achievement with lessons that maximise student learning across all areas of the Victorian Curriculum.

Key lesson delivery points

Review – slides that are spaced, interleaved, and allow for retrieval.  These will be based on the students’ prior learning.  It helps the children retain information

Speedy Maths or Fluency – Using counting, patterns, times tables or subitising

Intention of Lesson – what are the children learning

Teacher Focus – Activate prior knowledge, Teach and Check for Understanding

Independant Practice – Children work on the differentiated ‘hands-on’ tasks while the teacher is roaming

Summary/closure – Students describe what they have learned, linking back to the lesson focus

Mental Wave Math – Incidental teaching also happens during this part.  This is a review for most children


The teacher provides support within all of the components of the lesson